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April is known as our National Stress Month and what better topic to cover this month than stress! According to the Global Organization for Stress, 75% of Americans report struggling with moderate to severe stress levels in the past 30 days. In other words 3 out of 4 people are living their lives in incredible amounts of stress. 

As we wrap up the month of April, I didn’t want to leave you without 7 tips to relieve stress. If you are still not sure if you are going through stress, make sure to check out our blog posts on 10 causes of stress and 5 warning signs that you are stressed. 

These skills, just like any other skill, is something that we build and exercise with time. Just like we are able to build muscle with time under tension, we are able to get better at managing the stress of life as we practice when faced with stressful situations.

Here’s a list of 7 tips that can help you manage your stress better

  1. Drink a glass of water: We need to keep ourselves hydrated. Did you know that your body is comprised of 60% water? Keeping ourselves hydrated helps bring oxygen to our brain, which aids with our overall mental health 
  2. Clean up: Some people love to organize their space in order to reduce stress. Maintaining a clean and tidy environment can help you be less stress 
  3. Do a breathing exercise: Just like drinking water, a good breathing exercise can increase the flow of oxygen to your brain, thus leading to feelings of relaxation 
  4. Write on your journal: What your head can take, your journal can. Aim to do a “brain dump” journaling session of 3-5 minutes when feeling stress
  5. Meditate or pray: Meditation and prayer have been proven to release stress and improve our overall mental health recovery outcomes
  6. Talk it out: Need a quick relief, just vent to a friend! Something as simple as sending a quick voice message can help you release stress
  7. Go on a nature walk: Nature can have a very grounding and relaxing effect. Take at least 20 minutes per day to go in a relaxing walk. 

You can make the commitment with yourself to implement one of these per day in the next week. Let us know how they worked out for you! Stress management is something we can implement on our daily basis. 

Stay tuned next week as I write about ways that you can relieve stress in a healthy matter. You don’t have to live under the constant unmet expectations and anxiety. Need help with managing your stress? Don’t hesitate to contact us. Feel free to use our self-scheduling tool as well! We are here to help. 

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