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In honor of International Women’s Day and the month of March, I wanted to write about a few ways that we can increase our self-esteem and self-image. We are often caught up in comparison that leads to self-hatred and self-deprecation. But how, then, can we work on this area of our lives? I am glad you asked!

Here are some things we can do for ourselves (and each other) to help increase our self-imageself-image

Focus on what your body allows you to do rather than what you wish it could look like

For example, if you are looking at yourself in the mirror complaining about the overhang that came with pregnancy, remind yourself that your body carried life in its womb and the “overhang” is just the reminder of that. Do this exercise while looking at yourself in the mirror. Yes, that very same mirror you’ve been avoiding for some time. It’s calling your name! Why? Because it wants to show you more than what your eyes are able to see. 

Take that compliment. Just. Take. It.

Oftentimes we redirect compliments and focus on what we don’t like about ourselves. Have you ever told someone “I got this on sale!” when they compliment your shirt? How about when they compliment your weight loss journey and you start pointing out how your thighs are still not thin enough? Stop it. Reply to compliments with a single “thank you”. Just accept how the other person perceives you in that very moment. Don’t question it, don’t overthink it, just accept it. 

Focus on internal strengths

There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good on the outside. However, are we going to be so consumed with how we look that we forget who we are? Take time to list your inner strengths, those things that make you unique. Need help with this? Ask a loved one! They are often able to see our strengths clearer than we can see them ourselves. When all else fades, when beauty fades and the skin hangs, when the wrinkles on our faces and the grays on our hairs tell our age, we are left with with our inner beauty and inner strength. 

Talk to yourself as you would to a friend

I bet you are not the kind of friend who just points out the insecurities of your friends. Right? So why treat yourself that way! Every time you have a negative thought about your image, ask yourself “would I talk to a friend like that?” If the answer is no, which most likely it will, stop that thought and redirected to a positive one. For example, if you think to yourself “girl those wrinkles are so ugly!” ask yourself “would I tell *insert friend’s name here* that her wrinkles are ugly?”. Probably not. Instead, redirect, tell yourself “those wrinkles are a sign of wisdom and aging fine like wine!”.

Stop comparison

In the modern world of social media, it is easy to scroll and see what other women have and focus on what we do not. If you need to take a break from social media, do it. Many times we see another woman’s beauty without realizing that we are just as beautiful, inside and out.

I hope this helps! This might take practice and intentionality but it is possible to improve your self-image. As women, we are here to help and empower one another. Keep on doing a great job girl! Stay beautiful. 

There are other things we can do to boost our self-image. You don’t have to struggle alone. Need help with your self-image? Don’t hesitate to contact us. Feel free to use our self-scheduling tool as well!



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